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Flossing is Essential to Keeping Your Teeth and Gums Healthy

It may be surprising to learn that nearly 30 percent of adults who see a dentist are not honest about how often they floss. Of the 30 percent who lie about their flossing habits, over 30 percent say they prefer doing unpleasant chores over flossing their teeth. We believe that part of the reason for this aversion to flossing is that children are not taught its absolute importance at a young age like they are with brushing. It’s seen as much less necessary, and therefore a waste of time.
Another alarming statistic is the fact that only 40% of Americans floss daily. What’s more is that this number is likely skewed high based on the percentage of people who lie to their dentist. What many Americans fail to realize is that for most people, brushing and seeing the dentist twice a year is not enough to ward off gum disease. Flossing regularly will help you to avoid oral health issues. Also, if you already have gum disease, flossing can help protect your teeth from decay and even reverse the effects the disease has had on your gums.
Do not allow yourself to make excuses about flossing. Realize that it’s a necessary part of your overall health and hygiene and make time. If you’re having issues while flossing, such as crowded teeth, be honest with your dentist who can work with you to come up with a solution.
At Portage Lakes Dentistry family dentistry in Portage, we have seen the damage that not flossing can do. Fortunately, we have also seen dramatic improvements in our patients’ gum and tooth health once they decide to begin flossing regularly. Like brushing, make flossing a part of your daily routine – the results are likely to surprise you.